
Administrative & Licensing

The lawyers at Owen | Vanderbrug have represented physicians, dentists, nurses and many other health care professionals for several years defending disciplinary matters versus professional licensing bodies. Whether the administrative agency is simply looking for a Stipulated Order regarding alleged misconduct, or whether a Statement of Charges has been issued that involves more serious allegations and revocation of licensure is sought, it is critical to retain counsel at your earliest opportunity to ensure your license is protected and you are afforded due process throughout the disciplinary process. Contact us the moment you are notified by your licensing body that adverse action is being sought against your license so we are in the best position to aggressively and zealously protect your livelihood: 206-467-1400 or 509-863-9771.
Client Reviews
“You were both fantastic and I'm grateful to have had you on my side during that crazy time. You took an emotionally charged situation and made it fact-based and easy to understand my options - thank you!” - Heather W., Maple Valley, Washington
"Thank you so much for your help in getting this resolved. I will most definitely keep you in mind should I need any legal assistance in the future. It was great to meet you and work with you." - JB, Client from Kenmore, Washington
"I can’t thank you enough for all your hard work in my case. I’m thankful to God that I met you and that I was able to receive justice for what they did to me." - RP, Client from Kent, Washington
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